Manage Users' Drives

Whoever the owner of a drive is, you can access any users' drive information, edit its name, change or add a new owner.

Before you begin: The drive must have been accessed once by a user to see the given user displayed in the list.
  1. Select the Manage Users' Drives tab.
  2. In front of the user name under the Manage Drive column, select either of the following:

    Note: If the user does not appear in the list, in the Search for field run a search.
    • Manage Drive. The Manage Drive dialog box lets you access the following tabs:

      • Information:
        • Title. Click to change the title of the shared drive. For example, if the former drive owner has left the company, you may provide a meaningful title for the new owner of the drive.
        • Owner. Displays the name of the current owner.
        • Owner Status. Displays the status of the owner of the drive. Two status are available:
          • Active. The user is still part of the platform.
          • Inactive. The user has been removed from the platform.

      • Access:.

        Click , enter the name of the user you want to add and click Share. The user is added and granted Can edit & share rights.

        • Only users who have already accepted the platform invitation can be granted access.
        • The Add to My Files and Share commands will not be available for the selected user in the Shared with me node.

        To remove the user you have just added or an existing one, in front of the user, click Menu > Remove.

    • Delete to delete the drive and its content permanently.
      • This action cannot be undone.
      • The owner of the drive must have been removed from the platform first.

      The files and folders are permanently deleted.