Measuring Items

You can measure distance, angle, radius, perimeter, and area between lines, points, surfaces, and planes in sketches, components, or assemblies. When you select a sketch point or vertex, the X-, Y-, and Z- coordinates are displayed.


To use the Measure command:

  1. From the Tools section of the action bar, click Measure .
  2. Specify options:
    Units Defines the unit of measure.
    Projected to Screen Measures the projection onto the screen.

    Dual Units Displays two units of measure.

    Save Output Saves the results in a text file (.txt).
  3. In the work area, select the items you want to measure. For example, do one of the following:
    • To measure a single entity, select the entity.

    • To measure the distance between two entities, select the entities. In this example, two circles are selected.

    • To measure the distance between two points, select the points.

    • To measure the distance between two arcs, select the arcs, and in Distance Type select Minimum Distance.

    • To measure the distance between the centers of two arcs, select the arcs, and in Distance Type select Center to Center.