You can measure distance, angle, radius, perimeter, and area between lines, points, surfaces, and planes in sketches, components, or assemblies. When you select a sketch point or vertex, the X-, Y-, and Z- coordinates are displayed.
To use the Measure command:
From the Tools section of the action bar, click Measure.
Specify options:
Defines the unit of measure.
Projected to Screen
Measures the projection onto the screen.
Dual Units
Displays two units of measure.
Save Output
Saves the results in a text file
In the work area, select the items you want to measure. For example, do one of the following:
To measure a single entity, select the entity.
To measure the distance between two entities, select the entities. In this example, two circles are selected.
To measure the distance between two points, select the points.
To measure the distance between two arcs, select the arcs, and in Distance Type select Minimum Distance.
To measure the distance between the centers of two arcs, select the arcs, and in Distance Type select Center to Center.