Creating an Offset Face or Body

You can create a copy of a surface that is offset by a specified distance.

  1. From the Modeling section of the action bar, click Offset Faces or Bodies .
  2. In the Offset Faces or Bodies dialog box, select the option to offset a face or a body.

    Offset Faces. Select the surface faces to offset by the specified distance.
    Offset Bodies. Select the surface bodies to offset by the specified distance.
  3. Select the faces or bodies to use for creating the offset surface.
  4. Drag the handle or enter a value to specify the offset distance.
  5. Specify the offset options.

    Blind Offset. Offsets the surface to the specified distance. Enter a value in the dialog box or drag the handle.
    Up to Point Offset. Offsets the surface to the selected point.
  6. Optional: Select Propagate to add smooth connected faces to the selection.
  7. Click .