About Update and PLM Update

This topic provides information regarding update and PLM update in Drawings.

This page discusses:

About Update in Drawings

Drawings views (projections or sections) are generated (created or updated) from 3D definitions, that is, the 3D mechanical apps and the associated representations.

When modifications are applied to the 3D specifications, the drawing representation needs an update.

However, the view needs an update only if the feature represented in the view undergoes show/no show modification in 3D. It means that the view update is required only for the views in which the part tool/set containing the modified feature appears.

  • The Update Current Sheet and the Update commands are active when a sheet (or drawing) contains views that need to be updated (this can be all the views in the sheet or only some of them). You can update all views in the active sheet or drawing by clicking these commands.
  • Furthermore, the Update icon is active when the 3D area is not up to date.
  • The Update symbols appear in the tree to indicate the drawings , sheets , and views that need to be updated.
  • You can update a drawing (this updates all the sheets and therefore all the views it contains), a sheet, or a selection of sheets (this updates all the views it contains), a view, or a selection of views.
  • The Update symbols remain in the tree for the items that have not been updated, so you always know which items are up to date and which are not.

Views can be updated on the basis of:

  • A possibly not up to date 3D area through the standard Update Current Sheet command. See Update below.
  • An up to date 3D area through the Update command. See PLM Update below.


The Update command lets you update drawings, sheets, or views without updating the 3D area.

The Update Current Sheet command in the standard area lets you update the current sheet or selected items, or use the context menu to update selected items.

PLM Update

Important: PLM Update is available in the Assembly Design app as well as in the Drawings app. For more information regarding PLM Update in the context of Assembly Design, see Assembly Design User's Guide: PLM Update. Particularly, the Automatic and Manual options in Me > Preferences > Mechanical > Assembly Design > General, under Update status computation, define how the PLM update status is computed. By default, Manual is selected for the computation. You can change this option to Automatic to ensure that the update status is automatically computed.
The Update command lets you update all views of the drawing along with the 3D area when the 2D drawing is not up to date, and therefore ensures that views are updated on the basis of a 3D area that reflects the latest design changes. The Update provides a status of your PLM relational design:
  • If the icon is disabled: 3D area and the drawing, sheets, or views are up to date.
    Important: If the 3D area is not loaded, the icon is not available. To load the 3D area associated to the drawing, use the Load 3D data or Open 3D data commands. For more information, refer to Loading/Opening 3D Data.
  • If the icon is available, the 3D area or the drawing, sheets, or views are not up to date. In this case, you can click the icon to update all of them.

The up-to-date status computation is improved for the assembly drawing view based on an assembly layout view when using the visual display filter. When a modified product structure object is visualized in the layout view visual display filter, the status of the drawing view associated only to that layout view is changed to not up to date.

Operations Performed During Update

During the view update, the following operations are performed:

  • Views from 3D (2D Layout for 3D Design views and 3D Tolerancing & Annotation views) are systematically synchronized. Therefore, any change in 3D, such as, the supporting plane (3D Tolerancing & Annotation app and 2D Layout for 3D Design app) or the back-clipping plane (2D Layout for 3D Design only) are synchronized automatically during the view update.
  • Associative section/auxiliary view profiles are recomputed.
  • The geometry is regenerated.
  • Annotations, dimensions, or dress-up elements linked to the generated geometry are recomputed.
  • In the case of elements that are graphically modified or deleted, these modifications or deletions are preserved, on the condition the view was up to date when you deleted or modified it.
  • You can restore original properties at any time by selecting the Restore Properties option from the context menu and then updating the view. You can either use Update Current Sheet if you modified the 3D part, or key in C:Force Update in the power input field (available in the Status Bar) if you did not modify the 3D part.
  • If you delete, or modify the properties of a generated item and then perform an update, all items that have the same 3D origin as the deleted item are not generated.
  • If you transfer a generated item to No Show and then perform an update, all items that have the same 3D origin as the item in No Show, are transferred to No Show.