The tools related to geometry creation are available in the Sketch section of the action bar.
Snap to Point
This option makes your geometry (as well as 2D components) begin or end on the points of the grid. As you create geometry, points are forced to the intersection points of the grid. Note that this option is also available via section.
In this example, the black spline is created using the Snap to Point option. The points are on the grid.
Conversely, the highlighted spline is created when this option is not used. The points are not necessarily on the grid.
Important: You can use auto detection even if this option is selected. |
Detected Constraints
This option creates lasting constraints. If you do not use this icon, the constraints you create are temporary: the geometry is only temporarily constrained, which means that it can subsequently be moved without being constrained.
Preserve modifications
of graphical properties
Important: This command is available in the View Layout section of the action bar. |
This option preserves the graphical modifications you apply to the generated geometry when the view is updated. To restore graphic modifications in a view, right-click the view frame and select View object > Restore Properties. For more information, see Managing the Graphical Properties of Generated Geometry and Dress-Up. By default, this option is selected.