Analyzing Generated Dimensions

You can analyze generated dimensions via the Generated Dimension Analysis dialog box.

Before you begin: Open a generative drawing representation. Arrange your tabs horizontally to view both your drawing and the related part by dragging and dropping the required tab anywhere in the action bar.
See Also
About Dimension Generation
  1. From the customized section of the action bar, click Generate Dimensions .

    This command is not available by default. To add it to the action bar, select Me > Preferences > Customize > Commands, and drag and drop the command onto a section.

    The dimensions are generated on the view.

    Note: You can select a dimension in the drawing to highlight the corresponding constraint in the 3D, and vice-versa. For example, if you pick this dimension in the drawing, the corresponding constraint is displayed in the 3D.

    The Generated Dimension Analysis dialog box displays the number of constraints available in the 3D, as well as the number of dimensions generated on the drawing, for each part or product in the drawing (in this case, there is only one part). You can use the options in this dialog box to highlight the dimensions in the drafting sheet as well as the associated 3D constraints you can visualize in your Part or Product document. Let's describe the dialog box more precisely:

    The options in the Constraint Analysis in 3D area let you display specific constraints on the 3D area.

    • Generated constraints: Displays all the constraints which are associated with the dimensions generated on the drawing.

    • Other constraints: Displays all the constraints for which dimensions have not been generated on the drawing.

    The options under Dimension Analysis in 2D let you highlight specific dimensions on the drawing.

    • New generated dimensions: Highlights the dimensions which were generated during the latest dimension generation (this is useful if you generate dimensions several times).

    • Generated dimensions: Highlights all the generated dimensions.

    • Other dimensions: Highlights the dimensions created manually in the Drawings app.

  2. Select the Generated constraints and Generated dimensions check boxes. The generated dimensions are highlighted on the drawing, and the constraints associated with the generated dimensions are displayed on the 3D part.

  3. Click OK.

  • The Analysis after generation option automatically displays the Generated Dimension Analysis dialog box after dimension generation, each time you generate dimensions either automatically (using Generate Dimensions ) or semi-automatically (using Generate Dimensions Step by Step ).
  • By default, the Analysis after generation check box in Me > Preferences > App Preferences > 3D Modeling > Mechanical Systems > Drafting > Generation expander, then the Generated Dimension Analysis dialog box is automatically displayed at the end of dimension generation. You can deactivate this default by clearing the Analysis after generation check box.
  • You can also launch an analysis explicitly when needed. To do this, click Analysis from the configured section of the action bar. The Generated Dimension Analysis dialog box is displayed immediately.