Exposing a 2D Component from a Catalog

You can expose a 2D component after its creation or during its creation.

Before you begin:
  • In a catalog, create a 2D component.
  • Instantiate this 2D component in a .
See Also
About Exposing a 2D Component
Instantiating a 2D Component from a Catalog
  1. Right-click the 2D component instance and select 2D Component (Instance) object > Expose 2D Component.
  2. In the Expose 2D Component Instance dialog box, define where the new 2D component reference will be created:
    • If there is an existing detail sheet: specify if you want the 2D component to be created in a new detail sheet or in an existing detail sheet. In the latter case, select the detail sheet from the list underneath.
    • If no detail sheet exists in this : a new detail is created for the 2D component. Therefore, the In a new detail sheet option is selected. The other option is unavailable.
  3. Click OK.
    All links between the 2D component instance and its catalog reference are now cut. The detail sheet containing the exposed 2D component is active.
  4. In the detail sheet, modify the 2D component reference.
    Note that:
    • In the sheet, the 2D component is modified.
    • In the catalog, the 2D component reference in the catalog is left unchanged.