Mandatory Attribute

Mappings for mandatory attributes are done in IEF-CADToMxMandatoryAttrMapping attribute in the Global Configuration Object .

If the Administrator marks certain attributes as mandatory by specifying them in the IEF-CADToMxMandatoryAttrMapping in the GCO, then these attributes are always synchronized whenever designs are saved using ENOVIA > Save.

Mandatory attributes are supported because,

  • Administrators can assign values to mandatory attributes that should be used irrespective of the value that exists on the CAD tool.
  • Administrators can provide a value that can be over-written by the App, if the App chooses it.
  • The App can provide the value of the mandatory attributes.

This page discusses:

Rules and Information for Mandatory Attributes

This section lists some rules and information for mandatory attributes.

  • If an attribute to is be declared mandatory then it should be present in the IEF-CADToMxMandatoryAttrMapping as well as in the MCADInteg-CADToMxAttribMapping.
  • All mandatory attributes should have a value.
  • If the Administrator sets attributeType as mandatory, then the Administrator should provide a value for the attributeValue in the IEF-CADToMxMandatoryAttrMapping attribute and must not leave it empty. An error message informing that mandatory attributes cannot be empty is displayed if left empty.
  • If the Administrator sets attributeType as default, then the Administrator should provide a value for the attributeValue in the IEF-CADToMxMandatoryAttrMapping or in the CAD file properties. If both are empty, then an error message informing that mandatory attributes cannot be empty is displayed.
  • If the Administrator sets attributeType as null then it must be ensured that the attribute has a value and is not empty if it exists in File Summary Properties or File Custom Properties. If empty, an error message saying that the mandatory attributes cannot be empty is displayed.

Format of Mandatory Attribute Mapping

This section lists the syntax of mandatory attribute mapping and the significance of each value.

The format of the CAD to ENOVIA Mandatory attribute name is shown below:


  • attributeName: The name of the attribute. Example: $$Comments$$
  • attributeValue: The value of the attribute. Example: AutoCAD File
  • attributeType: The type of the mandatory value. There are three values that the attribute Type can hold, which are discussed below:
  • mandatory: This implies that the value specified in the attributeValue should be used by the App as the value of the attribute. The App MUST ignore the value of such attributes, as it exists in the File Summary Properties or the File Custom Properties. The System Administrator MUST provide a value in attributeValue since mandatory attributes cannot be blank.
  • default: This implies that the value specified in the attributeValue can be used by the App as the value of the attribute, or the App can choose to over-write this value with a value of its own based on some criteria. The App picks up the attributeValue and synchronizes it with X-CAD Design Management. In future releases of App, App may choose to over-write this attributeValue with a value of its own. The System Administrator MUST provide a value in attributeValue since mandatory attributes cannot be blank.
  • null: This implies that the App should search for this attribute in File Summary Properties or in the File Custom Properties and pick its value to synchronize it with the X-CAD Design Management attribute. If a file or custom attribute is specified as null, that property should contain a value since mandatory attributes are intended to have a value. The Administrator should not provide a value in the attributeValue, since it will not be used by the App.