Locking and Unlocking Designs

You can lock or unlock designs in ENOVIA from AutoCAD to prevent other users from modifying the design.

An object that is locked by another user can be unlocked only if the person has unlock access and is assigned the Integration Administrator role.

Before you begin: Ensure that you are in the 3DEXPERIENCE Open or 3DEXPERIENCE Insert dialog box.
See Also
About Locking and Unlocking
Searching for Designs
  1. In the 3DEXPERIENCE Open dialog box, right-click one or more selected designs.
  2. Select Lock or Unlock depending on the lock status of the selected designs.

    Note: You cannot unlock a design locked by another user. When you try to unlock a design locked by another user, an error message appears displaying the user name of the person who has locked the design.

The selected designs are locked or unlocked depending on your choice.