At minimum, these settings must be edited:
The remote database user (in the sample case, scott) must be defined in Oracle with at least the basic privileges to work with the tables plus CREATE DATABASE LINK. The role CONNECT provides this privilege. The 3DSpace user is generally created with RESOURCE and CONNECT roles, and therefore the other user may be similarly defined. When using an adaplet with a 3DSpace Service, the remote Oracle instance needs to support more sessions than the connection pool size. These Oracle parameters should be set in init<SID>.ora or pfile as follows: sessions=200 processes=250 These values are guidelines, but both should be set to greater than the value of MX_CONNECTION_POOL_SIZE in the enovia.ini file (previously ematrix.ini). The default value for MX_CONNECTION_POOL_SIZE is determined by the Java heap size selected during the 3DSpace server installation (small = 10, medium = 20, large = 30). |