Recipient(Name of NCA) | Type the name of the recipient. |
Address of National Competent Authority | Type the address of National Competent Authority. |
Date of this report | Click to select the required date. |
Reference number assigned by NCA | Type the reference number assigned by National Competent Authority. |
Identify to what other NCA's this report was also sent | Type the names of NCAs to which this report was sent. |
Status of submitter | Select any of the following statuses.- Authorized Representative within EEA and Switzerland and Turkey
- Manufacturer
- Others
Class | Select a medical device class.- AIMD Active Implants
- IVD Annex II List A
- IVD Annex II List B
- IVD General
- MDD Class IIa IVD Devices for self-testing
- MDD Class IIb
- MDD Class III
Notified Body (NB) ID-number | Type the identification number of the notified body |
Expected date of next report | Click to select the required date. |
Comments | Type additional information. |