| First Name | The person's first name. |
Middle Name | The person's middle name. |
Last Name | The person's last name. |
Salutation | The formal salutation when addressing the contact. |
Title | The person's job title. |
Business/Agency | The company or regulatory authority where this person works. |
Contact Type | One of these types of contacts:- Company Representative
- Consumer
- Customer
- Distributor
- Manufacturer
- Reporter
- User Facility
Occupation | The person's job function:- Attorney
- Risk Manager
- Service and Testing Personnel
- Service Personnel
- Technician/Representative
- NA
Email Address | The person's email address. |
Phone Numbers | Mobile | The person's cell phone number. |
Home | The person's home number. |
Work | The person's office number. |
Fax | The person's fax machine number. |
Address | Address Line 1 | The person's mailing address. |
Address Line 2 | Additional address information. |
City | The address city. |
State | The address state. |
Country | The address country. |
Zip | The address ZIP or other postal code. |
Zip Code Extension | The extension to the address ZIP code. |