
The SF33 is the Solicitation, Offer, and Award form for contracts and subcontracts.

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  • Baseline: Leader, Owner
  • App-specific: Contracts Manager, Data Manager, Program Controls Specialist, Subcontract Administrator, Subcontractor

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Field Name Description
Owner The owner of the contract.
Originator The user who created the contract.
Originated The date the contract was created.
Last Modified The date the contract was last modified.
Policy The policy that governs the lifecycle of the contract.
Status The current lifecycle state of the contract.
Title The title of the contract.
Contract Description The detailed description of the contract.
Comments Any comments related to the contract.
SF33 Properties Below list the properties for the SF33.
1. This Contract is rated order under DPAS (15 CFR 700) The DPAS rating for the contract: DO, DX, Unrated.
2. Contract Number The number of the contract.
3. Solicitation Number The solicitation number for the contract.
4. Type of Solicitation Sealed or Negotiated.
5. Date Issued The date the contract is issued.
6. Requisition/Purchase Number The purchase requisition number from the purchase requisition form.
7. Issued By The issuing contracting office information.
8. Address Offer To (if different than Item 7) The address of the issuing office if different than Item 7.
9. Delivery Address The address to deliver the contract.
9. Number of Copies The number of copies of the contract.
9. Due Date Time The date the contract is due.
10. Contact Information Buyer's contact information.
12. Offer Acceptance Days
13. Discount for Prompt Payment The discounts offered for expeditious payment.
14. Acknowledgment of Amendments (The Offeror acknowledges receipt of amendments to the Solicitation for offerors and related documents numbered and dated.) Listed amendments and their dates acknowledged by the offeror.
15. Offeror (Responsible Organization) The contact information for the offeror.
16. Person Authorized to Sign Offer Name, title, and signature of the person authorized to sign the offer.
19. Accepted as to Items Numbered The line items that are accepted.
20. Amount The amount of the contract.
21. Accounting and Appropriation The account where the payment originates.
22. Authority for Using Other than Full and Open Competition
23. Submit Invoices to the Address Shown In (4 copies unless otherwise specified) Items from sections 7, 8, 24, and/or 25, depending on where the contractor should address the invoice to receive proper payment.
24. Administered By (if different than Item 7) Left blank unless the administration functions are done somewhere other than Item 7.
25. Payment will be Made By The paying address for the contract.
26. Contracting Officer The name and signature of the contracting officer.
28. Award Date The date the contract was awarded.

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