Creating a Derived Regulation

You can create a derived regulation from a regulation.

Before you begin: A regulation must exist.
  1. Open the Regulation. For more information, see Opening a Regulation.
  2. Click Actions > Insert New > Create Derived Regulation .
  3. Enter the following information:
    Field NameDescription
    NameEnter a name for the sub regulation or select Autoname to automatically name the derived regulation.
    TypeRegulation is the type.
    PolicyThe Regulation policy governs the lifecycle of the derived regulation.
    Description The description of the derived regulation.
    RevisionEnter the revision number for the sub regulation.
    TitleEnter the title for the derived regulation.
    ContentEnter any rich text content related to the derived regulation.
    OwnerClick to select the user currently responsible for the derived regulation.
    AmendmentEnter any amendments to the derived regulation.
    Effective DateClick to select the date the derived regulation becomes effective.
    AgencySelect the agency connected to the derived regulation from the list: ASTM, EASA, or FAA.
    Regulation Site URLEnter the url for the derived regulation site.
    Responsible OrganizationClick to select the organization responsible for the derived regulation.
    Sponsoring CustomerClick to select the sponsoring customer.
    NotesEnter any notes related to the derived regulation.
  4. Click OK.