Creating Contract Parts

You can create contract parts from the Uniform Contract Format (UCF) category of a contract or subcontract.

Required access roles:

  • Baseline: Administrator, Leader
  • App-specific: Contracts Manager, owner of the contract

Before you begin: Program and Contract Management must be the active app and a contract or a subcontract must exist.
  1. Open a contract or a subcontract. For more information see, Opening a Contract or Opening a Subcontract.
  2. In the navigation pane, click Categories .
    You can click to view the structure menu of the contract or subcontract.
  3. In the navigation pane, click UCF.
  4. Select the check box next to the contract or subcontract to add the part.
  5. From the toolbar, click Actions > Create Part .
  6. Enter the following information:
    Field Name Description
    Type Contract Part is the type.
    Policy Workspace Vaults is the policy.
    Heading Number Enter the heading number for the contract part.
    Heading Title Enter the heading title for the contract part.
    Description Enter a detailed description for the contract part.
    Includes the Following Contract Sections Click to select the contract sections to be included in the contract part.
  7. Click OK.

The new contract part is listed under its related contract in the UCF.