Creating a Covering

Covering lets you apply finishing material over a floor structure to provide a walking surface.

Before you begin: Open a structure for which your want cover a floor.
  1. From the Category list, select a covering category.
  2. Under Support,
    1. Select a surface or a plane as a support.

      You can select multiple supports and click Element List to manage multiselection.

    2. Optional: Specify an offset from the selected support.

      In case of multiple supports, you can select Common Offset to apply the specified offset to all the selected supports. You can also set offsets to individual supports in the Element List dialog box.

  3. Under Limits, select limits for the covering.

    You can select a surface, plane, or output profile as a limiting element.

  4. Under Material, Thickness & Orientation,
    1. Set the orientation for the covering.
    2. Decide the number of layers for the covering. To add a new layer, click Add.
      The layer is added at the top considering the orientation.
    3. To remove a layer, click Remove.
      The layer at the top is removed.
    4. Specify material and thickness for each layer.

      If the material table is not set in Data Setup, you can search and select the material from the database and enter the thickness value.

  5. Click OK.
    The covering is created.