Creating a Compartment

You can create a compartment of walls using a space clone.

Before you begin: Open a product containing space references. For more information about space references, see Space Allocation User's Guide.
See Also
Creating a Wall
Creating Wall Panels
  1. From the Authoring section of the action bar, click Compartment .
  2. In the Compartment panel, select the category for walls.
  3. In the Name box, enter a name for the compartment object or keep the system-generated name.
  4. In the Space clone box, select a space clone from the 3D area or the tree.
    All the vertical faces of the space clone are listed in the panel.

    If a desired face is not listed, you can add it manually. To do so, select a row of one of its adjacent faces and select the desired face from the 3D area. The face is added to the row.

    You can perform the following operations on the rows:

    Option Description
    Merge selection Merges the selected rows. The values of the top-most row are copied to the resultant row.
    Separate selection Creates a separate row for each face, when a row has multiple faces.
    Delete selection Deletes the selected rows.

  5. Optional: Clear the Separate wall for each row check box to create a single wall for all the selected faces.

    Warning: To create a single wall for all the selected faces, you must select the faces that are adjacent to each other. In other words, the selected faces should not form a multi-domain result.

    If the check box is selected, a separate wall feature is created for each selected row.

    By default, this check box is selected.

  6. Optional: Specify offsets to the faces.

    To specify a common offset to all faces, select the corresponding rows, click , and specify the value in the Common offset box.

  7. Select the required rows and specify material, thickness, and orientation for them.
    1. Select a material for the walls.
    2. Select a thickness corresponding to the selected material.

      If the material table is not set in Data Setup, you can search and select the material from the database and enter the thickness value.

    3. Set the thickness orientation.
  8. Click OK.
    The compartment is created.