break Element

This topic describes the <break> XML element.

General syntax
<break />
DescriptionBreaks the execution. If used within duplicate Element, continues with the siblings of the parent duplicate. Else breaking the execution of the component and returning the component with the current modifications.
<pemapping xmlns:xsi="" 
           xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="mapping-schema.xsd " 

         <useref refid="define1" /> 
         <useref refid="define2" /> 
         <test type="attribute" name="SYMBOL"> 
            <test type="attribute" name="SUB_SYMBOL"> 
               <!-- breaks execution of duplicate, writes the duplicate and exits 
                    duplicate (add of SUB_SYMBOL will not be executed) --> 
               <break /> 
            <add name="SUB_SYMBOL"> 
         <add name="SYMBOL"> 
      <!-- breaks execution of the current component --> 
      <test type="attribute" name="SYMBOL"> 
         <break /> 