Configuring Java Database Connectivity (JDBC)

To use the Connector for Altium Database Library, you must configure JDBC.

  1. Create a file under the ECAD Library project with the same name as the database name plu the .jdbc.ini extension.

    For example, if the database name is test.DBLib, create a file named test.jdbc.ini.

  2. Using a text editor, open the file created in Step 1 and enter the connection details required by the database.


    For UcanAccess for Microsoft Access database, enter these details:

    url=jdbc:ucanaccess:// <Path to the .mdb>
     url=jdbc:ucana ccess://C: \designs \library \Test DB.mdb

    For MSSQL Server, enter these details:

    databaseName= <DATABASENAME> 
    serverName= <SERVERNAME> 
    user= <USERNAME>password= <PASSWORD>

  3. Save the file.