Using a Script to Update the Global Configuration Object

You can update individual attribute for the Global Configuration Object as described in other topics in this section. You can also combine all of the required updated in a single script as described here.

This procedure updates all attributes described in Global Configuration Object. You can omit any attributes that you do not want to set, or that you want to keep the default values for.

  1. Open an MQL window.
  2. Execute the script that configures the attributes for the ECADInteg-GlobalConfig object.

    modify business object "ECADInteg-GlobalConfig" AltiumGlobal TEAM \
        "ECADInteg-FlowLevel" 1 \
        "ECADInteg_CheckinRevisionBehavior" "Allow Revisioning"|"Disallow Revisioning"|"Manual Revisioning" \
        "ECADInteg_CSEDisabledCommands" <COMMAND1>|<ACCESSROLE> <COMMAND2>|<ACCESSROLE> \
        "ECADInteg-EnforceFolderOnSave" TRUE | FALSE  ;

    See About the Global Configuration Object and the individual tasks for guidelines on entering the attribute values. You can also include attribute/value pairs for any of the listed preferences.