Publishing REST Web Service

Before you can work with the Component Data Manager, the REST web service must be published.

  1. Stop the 3DEXPERIENCE 3DSpace TomEE service.
  2. Copy the file EcadComponentServices.jar

    From: <ConnectorforAltiumDesignerServer-R2018x>/ComponentServices

    To: <3DSpace>\win_b64\code\tomcat\current\webapps\3dspace\WEB-INF\lib

  3. Restart the 3DEXPERIENCE 3DSpace TomEE service.
  4. To verify if the REST Web Service is published, use the following URL (case sensitive):


    For example:


    If the Web Service is correctly published, the JpoWrapper Service is displayed in the browser.

  5. Connect to the 3DEXPERIENCE Web Services. For instructions, see Connecting to 3DEXPERIENCE Web Services.