Stop the
3DEXPERIENCE 3DSpace TomEE service.
Copy the file
From: <ConnectorforAltiumDesignerServer-R2018x>/ComponentServices To: <3DSpace>\win_b64\code\tomcat\current\webapps\3dspace\WEB-INF\lib
Restart the
3DEXPERIENCE 3DSpace TomEE service.
To verify if the REST Web Service is published, use the following URL (case sensitive):
https://<SERVERNAMER>:<PORTNUMBER>/3dspace/resources/EcadComponentServices/JpoWrapper?action=info For example: https://3dexp4:444/3dspace/resources/EcadComponentServices/JpoWrapper?action=info If the Web Service is correctly published, the JpoWrapper Service is displayed in the browser. - Connect to the 3DEXPERIENCE Web Services. For instructions, see Connecting to 3DEXPERIENCE Web Services.