Creating Resources

You can manually create new resources. A resource container is created by default below a package or a component. This container contains the resources used by applications.

This task shows you how to:

Create Know-how Apps Resources Using the New Content Command

You can create new resources.

Select Add > Content Know-how Apps Resources.
The container is created.

Create Know-how Apps Resources Using the Create Resources Command

You can create a resource container using the Create Resources command.

  1. From the Manage Apps section, click Create Resources .
    The Resources tab opens.
  2. Enter the name of the resources and click OK.
    The container is created. The dedicated app opens.
    Important: Do not modify:
    • Apps and dialogs CATNls and CATRsc files

    • Workbench xml files to be imported into the OS-Independant-RunTimeView/resources/knowledge/workbench directory

    • App icons whose names must match the app name.

    • Images to be imported into the OS-Independant-RunTimeView/resources/graphic/icons directory. Medium and apps icons (32*32) and apps and commands starters (64*64). Workbenches classical icons (24*24) are stored in the icons/normal directory. Small icons (18*18) are stored in the icons/small directory

    • Translated CATNls files.

Important: Resources are useful to gather additional runtime files inside packages owned by resources:
  • Index of the Know-how Apps Components types, knowledge types and knowledge dialogs used in the configuration (Each applicative configuration is provided with an index that will be stored in the database. This index is used to populate the dictionary at runtime and is to be found in the CNext\resources\knowledge directory in the runtime view)
  • Manifest: List of all involved Know-how Apps entities.