Authentication Parameters

This topic describes parameters used to specify how authentication works.

When external authentication is set up for use with ENOVIA apps, the standard login and logout pages, emxLogin.jsp and emxLogout.jsp, are by-passed.

This page discusses:

See Also
FCS Parameters
Timer Servlet
Wizard Parameters

Use one of the following parameters to define the alternative login/logout page:

  • To specify a relative path to the URL, use:
    <context-param id="ContextParam_#">
  • To specify an absolute path to the URL, use:

    <context-param id="ContextParam_#">

Enter a value for only one of these parameters. If you enter a value for ematrix.sso.logout.url, that value is used. The ematrix.sso.absolute.logout.url parameter is used only if the first parameter is not set.