Deploying the J2EE Archive File on TomEE+

TomEE+ does not require a deployment process. Instead, you simply copy the .war file to the web application directory.

This task shows you how to:

Deploy using TomEE+

To deploy J2EE applications using TomEE+:

Copy the enovia.war file from the SERVERHOME/distrib/ directory to app/<Jakarta-TomCat>/webapps/.

Start or stop TomEE+

To start or stop TomEE+:

  1. To start TomEE+, use, which is found in the app/tomcat/bin/ directory.
  2. To stop TomEE+, use -force, which is also found in the app/tomcat/bin/ directory.

View TomEE+ log files

To view TomEE+ log files:

View the catalina.out file under the app/tomcat/logs/ directory.

Undeploy using TomEE+

To undeploy a J2EE application using TomEE+, you delete the web application subdirectory (e.g., ematrix/) under the app/tomcat_install/webapps/ directory.

  1. Stop TomEE+ by using -force.
  2. Delete the web application directory under the app/tomcat_install/webapps/ directory. This is usually called ematrix.