Creating Lines

Creating a Line Normal to a Curve

Line lets you create a line at an angle to a curve that passes through a point.

Before you begin: Insert in an assembly an existing 3D shape containing geometric elements.
  1. Click Create new in the Choose a 3DShape dialog box.

    The New Content tab appears.
  2. Click 3D Shape under Physical Product Structure node in the New Content tab.
  3. Click OK in the 3D Shape dialog box.
    • The new 3D Shape is created under the active product.
    • The Line Definition dialog box appears.
  • Important: You switch from Assembly Design app to the last representation app you used.
    1. Select Angle/Normal to curve.

      Repeat object after OK option has no effect in Assembly Design context.

    2. In the Curve box, select a reference curve.
    3. In the Support box, select a surface containing that curve.
      • If the selected curve is planar, then the Support is set to Default (Plane).
      • If an explicit Support has been defined, a context menu is available to clear the selection.
    4. In the Point box, select a point on the curve.
    5. In the Angle box, type the value or use the arrows to change the angle value.

    6. In the Line End and Point Offset boxes, select the start and end points of the new line.
      The corresponding line is displayed.
    7. Click OK to create the line.
      Important: You come back in the Assembly Design app.