Creating Points

Creating a Point Using the Center of a Circle/Sphere/Ellipse

Point lets you create a point at the center of a circle, a sphere or an ellipse.

  1. Click Create new in the Choose a 3DShape dialog box.

    The New Content tab appears.
  2. Click 3D Shape under Physical Product Structure node in the New Content tab.
  3. Click OK in the 3D Shape dialog box.
    The new 3D Shape is created under the active product.
  4. Click OK in the 3D Shape dialog box.
    • The new 3D Shape is created under the active product.
    • The Axis System Definition dialog box appears. The axis system's parameters Origin, X axis, Y axis, and Z axis are automatically computed, and Default (Computed) appears in the boxes.
  • Important: You switch from Assembly Design app to the last representation app you used.
    1. Select Circle / Sphere / Ellipse center.
    2. In the Circle / Sphere / EllipseElement box, select either a circle, a circular arc, an ellipse, sphere or a portion of a sphere.

      A point is displayed at the center of the selected element.

    3. Click OK to create the point.
      Important: You come back in the Assembly Design app.