From the
Assembly section of the
action bar, click Assembly Pattern
and select the component to instantiate.
Select a direction to define the pattern.
- A linear pattern with two instances is pre-defined: the
number-of-instances spinner and a flag that indicates the original
component as well as a context toolbar are displayed.
- On the right side of the
3D area,
Assembly Pattern panel displays pattern options.
Click the
arrow if needed to display the options.
Select Circular pattern definition mode
in the context
Click anywhere in the
3D area
to validate. The cursor looks like this
The Choose a 3D
Shape dialog box appears.
In the Choose a 3D
Shape dialog box:
- The Product box displays the name of the active product.
3DShapes either lists the
available 3D shapes instanced under the active product or lists the available 3D shapes
instanced under a selected product. In both cases, these 3D shapes can be modified.
- The Create
new command allows you to create a 3D shape.
- The Automatically
create new 3D Shape when none exists option allows you to create a 3D
shape either under the active or selected product automatically. In this case, the
Choose a 3D Shape dialog box does not appear.
Click Create
new in the Choose a
3DShape dialog box.
In the Choose a 3D
Shape dialog box:
- The Product box displays the name of the active product.
3DShapes either lists the
available 3D shapes instanced under the active product or lists the available 3D shapes
instanced under a selected product. In both cases, these 3D shapes can be modified.
- The Create
new command allows you to create a 3D shape.
- The Automatically
create new 3D Shape when none exists option allows you to create a 3D
shape either under the active or selected product automatically. In this case, the
Choose a 3D Shape dialog box does not appear.
The New Content tab appears.
From the
standard area
of the
action bar,
The circular assembly pattern is created.