About Engineering Connection Options

The engineering connection options help you to select/show relevant or irrelevant components to a regular engineering connection, to use constraints in an engineering connection to position components, during creation or edition processes.

This page discusses:

Shade Context

You can make transparent and not selectable contextual components in a regular engineering connection, to make the selection easier.

  • By default this option is selected.
  • This behavior is dedicated to regular engineering connections, but to work with contextual engineering connections, components need be selected from the tree.
  • This option does not prevent the component selection from, the tree.

Creation Context

In the work area, only components that belong to the active product are selectable, other components that do not belong to the active product are transparent and not selectable.

Edition Context

In the work area, only components involved in a regular engineering connection being edited are selectable, other components that are not involved in a regular engineering connection being edited are transparent and not selectable.

Shade Affected

You can make affected components transparent and not selectable in a regular engineering connection to make the selection easier.

  • By default this option is selected.
  • This behavior is dedicated to regular engineering connections, but to work with contextual engineering connections, components need be selected from the tree.
  • This option does not prevent the component selection from, the tree.

Creation Context

In the work area, once the first constraint created, components involved in the first constraint are transparent and not selectable.

Edition Context

In the work area, only components involved in the regular engineering connection being edited are transparent and not selectable.

Positioning Mode

Positioning Mode allows you to use constraints in an engineering connection to position components.

  • When the Positioning Mode option is off, new or modified engineering connections are stored by clicking OK in the Engineering Connection Definition dialog box.
  • When the Positioning Mode option is on, new or modified engineering connections are deleted upon exiting the engineering connection process, even if you click OK in the Engineering Connection Definition dialog box.

    If you edit an existing engineering connection and click Cancel in the Engineering Connection Definition dialog box, it will remain as-is.

Important: You can modify the Positioning Mode state during the engineering process.

Axis Systems Constraint Mode

The Axis System Constraint Mode option allows you to select axis systems only for axis system based constraint.

When using axis-based constraints, it is possible to select the axis or plane by selecting for a support and choose Set Type . By default, the two axis systems are aligned along the z axis.

By selecting the option, axis systems become the only available support when creating an axis-based constraint.

Contextual Connection

Deactivates the Shade Context option.

Allows the user to create contextual engineering connection in the work area. See Shade Context.

Movable Component

The engineering connection orientation defines which instance is positioned during the Update or the constraint creation.

According to the context, the following orientation options are available.

  • First: the first component is positioned.

    The first component is the first component selected when the engineering connection has been created.

  • Second: the second component is positioned.
  • First and second: the first and second components are positioned together.
    Important: This option is only displayed when a Hinge or Symmetry constraint involve a third component containing the hinge axis or the symmetry plane.
  • Auto: the app defines which component is positioned.

By default, Auto option is selected, but you can select another option as default.

For more information, see General options.


Applies colors on specific components involved or not in an engineering connection.

Three type of components are considered:

  • Movable component.
  • Non movable component.
  • Non selectable components.