Creating a Line Using a Point and a Direction

You can create a line based on a reference point and a specified direction.

Before you begin: Insert in an assembly an existing 3D shape containing geometric elements.
  1. From the Assembly section of the action bar, click Line .
    The Choose a 3D Shape dialog box appears.
  2. Click Create new in the Choose a 3DShape dialog box.

    In the Choose a 3D Shape dialog box:

    • The Product box displays the name of the active product.
    • 3DShapes either lists the available 3D shapes instanced under the active product or lists the available 3D shapes instanced under a selected product. In both cases, these 3D shapes can be modified.
    • The Create new command allows you to create a 3D shape.
      Important: When you create a new 3D shape in Assembly commands context, its Nature is set as Specification whatever your choice in the dialog box, and you cannot change the nature of this 3D shape after it has been created with this command. See Nature of a New 3D Shape Created in Assembly Commands Context.
    • The Automatically create new 3D Shape when none exists option allows you to create a 3D shape either under the active or selected product automatically. In this case, the Choose a 3D Shape dialog box does not appear.

    The New Content tab appears.
  3. Click 3D Shape under Physical Product Structure node in the New Content tab.
  4. Click OK in the 3D Shape dialog box.
    • The new 3D Shape is created under the active product.
    • The Line Definition dialog box appears.
  • Important: You switch from Assembly Design app to the last representation app you used.
    1. Select Point-Direction.
    2. In the Point box, select a reference point.
    3. In the Direction box, select a direction or a line.
      A vector parallel to the direction line is displayed at the reference point. Proposed Line End and Point Offset points of the new line are shown.

    4. Optional: In the Support box, select a support surface.

      In this case a geodesic line is created, i.e. the direction of the created line corresponds to the projection of the given direction onto the support.

    5. In the Line End and Point Offset boxes, select the start and end points of the new line.
      The corresponding line is displayed.

    6. Click OK to create the line.
      The line (identified as is added to the specification tree.
      Important: You come back in the Assembly Design app.