From the Assembly
section of the action bar, click Point
The Choose a 3D Shape dialog box appears.
Click Create
new in the Choose a
3DShape dialog box.
In the Choose a 3D
Shape dialog box:
- The Product box displays the name of the active product.
3DShapes either lists the
available 3D shapes instanced under the active product or lists the available 3D shapes
instanced under a selected product. In both cases, these 3D shapes can be modified.
- The Create
new command allows you to create a 3D shape.
- The Automatically
create new 3D Shape when none exists option allows you to create a 3D
shape either under the active or selected product automatically. In this case, the
Choose a 3D Shape dialog box does not appear.
The New Content tab appears.
Click 3D Shape under Physical Product
Structure node in the New Content
Click OK in the 3D Shape dialog box.
The new 3D Shape is created under the active product.
Click OK in the 3D Shape dialog box.
- The new 3D Shape is created under the active product.
- The Axis System Definition
dialog box appears. The axis system's parameters Origin,
X axis, Y axis, and Z
axis are automatically computed, and Default
(Computed) appears in the boxes.
In the
Y and
Z box, type the coordinate value or use the
arrows to change the value.
- Optional:
In the Reference point box, select a reference point.
When the command is launched at creation, the initial value in the Axis System box is the current local axis system. If no local axis system is current, the box is set to Default. Whenever you select a local axis system, the point's coordinates are changed with respect to the selected axis system so that the location of the point is not changed. This is not the case with points valuated by formulas, that is, if you select an axis system, the defined formula remains unchanged.
Robot Location.
If the Robot is lying on the geometry, the X, Y, and Z
coordinates of the point are modified according to the location of the Robot. However, if the Robot is not lying on the geometry, that is, if
it is at the default location, clicking this button displays an error message,
and the point is created using existing specified coordinates.
OK to create the point.
The point (identified as Point.xxx) is added to the