Connecting Components

You can connect products with engineering connections by using the Interface-based Connection command to create engineering connections.

Before you begin:
  • Create or open an assembly product.
  • Create mechanical interfaces on different components. For more information, see Part Design User's Guide: Working with Mechanical Interfaces: Creating a Basic Mechanical Interface.

Depending on the chosen visualization mode of the hooking points, the steps can be a little different, see Showing / Hiding Hooking Points. In the steps below, the Show All Hooking Points visualization mode is chosen to demonstrate how to connect components.

  1. From the Assembly section of the action bar, click Interface-based Connection .

    The Options dialog box appears.

  2. Select a hooking point to place.
    Only the hooking points compatible with your selection are displayed.
  3. Select a target hooking point.
    The target component joins the other. An engineering connection is created.
  4. Optional: To refine positioning, use the Robot.

    The Robot makes rulers available to help you be more accurate.

    The component is moved with respect to the constraint.
  5. Click anywhere in the 3D area outside of the geometry.
    The engineering connection is created and it is visible under the engineering connections node in the tree.