Creating Constraints

You can set geometric constraints on geometric elements.

This task shows you how to:

Before you begin: Create a profile.

Set a Constraint Between Elements

You can set a constraint between elements.

  1. Select two elements to be constrained.
  2. From the Transform section of the action bar, click Constraint Defined in a Dialog Box .
    The Constraint Definition dialog box appears indicating the types of constraint you can set between the selected elements.
  3. Select one of the available options to specify that the corresponding constraint should be made.
  4. Click OK.
    The corresponding constraint symbol appears on the geometry.

Set a Constraint on a Single Element

You can set a constraint on a single element.

  1. Select the element to be constrained.
  2. From the Transform section of the action bar, click Constraint .
    The corresponding constraint symbol appears on the geometry.

    For more information on constraints, see the Sketcher User's Guide.