Defining the Compensations and Runout

You can select the appropriate method to define compensations when flattening a surfacic flange or a surfacic flange with a joggle.

Compensation is a modification of the standard calculation of the unfolding process which intends to best represent the material behavior.

Before you begin: You first need to define which method you want to apply by customizing design tables. For more information, see Customizing Standards Files For Compensations.
See Also
About Compensations and Runout
  1. From the Model section of the action bar, click Sheetmetal Parameters .
  2. In the Joggles frame, select the method from the Compensations list.
    Warning: If the method you chose is not the one defined in the Sheet Metal Standard Files, a warning message is issued prompting you to select another method or the corresponding file.
  3. From the Runout definition list, select the runout definition:
    External Includes the joggle fillets.
    InternalPartially excludes the joggle fillets.
  4. In the Runout/Depth box, type the value or use the arrows to modify the formula's coefficient.
    The Runout formula corresponds to the coefficient multiplied by the depth.
    • If you create a part, you can modify the formula's coefficient.
    • If you work on a part created in a previous version, when you create a joggle a warning is displayed asking you to validate this parameter in the SheetMetal Parameters Definition dialog box.
  5. From the Joggle Formula list, select whether you want to link a formula to the joggle runout parameter during the creation of the joggle:
    Default The behavior is applied to all the joggles of the part.
    NoneJoggle runout formulas are removed from all the joggles of the part.
    Design tableThe behavior of the joggle runout formula is applied to all the joggles of the part.
  6. From the Plane position list, select the joggle plane position:
    Outside radius The end radius extremity is located exactly on the joggle plane.
    Inside radiusThe runout extremity on the OML is located exactly on the joggle plane.
    Warning: This option becomes available only when the Internal runout definition option is selected.
  7. From the Measure direction list, select the direction for the runout and the clearance.

    This option applies if the joggle plane is not perpendicular to the OML.