Using the Ambience Panel

Using the Ambience Panel

You can use a dedicated panel to customize ambience parameters.

  1. The first time you run the command, the panel opens directly. Then, if you dock the panel and run the command again:
    • When the panel is pinned, the Display Ambience Panel command directly opens the panel.
    • When the panel is not pinned, the Display Ambience Panel command displays on the right side of your session window. Move your mouse over to display the docking area and the ambience panel.
  2. In the General tab, use the Title box to replace the name of the default ambience with the name of your choice.
    The ambience name is automatically updated in the tree, and in the Title box of the Properties dialog box.
    Note: When you rename or edit a PLM Ambience in another authoring app, only the name of the reference ambience is changed. The feature name corresponding to the inserted ambience does not change.
  3. The preview area displays in real time the customization of the background and lights.
  4. Use the following icons to manage your lights and to display additional commands.

    • adds a new light to the ambience.
    • duplicates the active ambience iteration.
    • displays the whole list at once.
    • lets you position HDRI lights.
    • removes the selected iteration from the list.
    • lets you unlock or lock the light position.
    • lets you display additional commands.

  5. Click to display additional commands.
  6. Choose a light in the list, and then click to expand the Light Properties area.
  7. In the Background area, modify the appropriate parameters to customize the background of the current ambience.
  8. Click the Ground tab to define ground parameters.