Entries in the emxAWL.properties File
You can define the following rules in the emxAWL.properties file specific to Copy and Artwork Management.
Entries for Configuring the Relationships for Generating the Where Used Data for Local Copies
You can configure the relationships for generating where used data for local copies.
emxAWL.WhereUsed.CopyLabel.ExpandRelationships = relationship_ArtworkAssembly,relationship_ArtworkElementContent,relationship_ArtworkPackageContent
emxAWL.WhereUsed.CopyLabel.ExpandTypes = type_POA,type_MasterLabelElement,type_ArtworkPackage
Entries for Configuring the Add Existing Artwork Element Search
You can configure the Add Existing Artwork Element search functionality.
emxAWL.ArtworkElementActionsAddExisting.IncludeSearchTypes = type_MasterLabelElement
emxAWL.ArtworkElementActionsAddExisting.ExcludeSearchTypes = type_MasterListItem
Entries for Generating the Where Used Data for Product Line
You can configure the Product Line for generating the where used data.
emxAWL.WhereUsed.ProductLine.ExpandRelationships = relationship_SubProductLines
emxAWL.WhereUsed.ProductLine.ExpandTypes = type_BrandProductLine,type_Subbrand,type_CommercialVariant
Entries for Generating the Where Used Data for Artwork File
You can configure the Artwork File Where Used functionality.
Entries for Configuring the Graphic Management
You can configure the graphic management.
emxAWL.Master_Ingredient_List_Item = Ingredient List Item Copy
emxAWL.Master_Graphic_Element = Graphic Element
emxAWL.type_ImageElement.Element = type_GraphicElement
emxAWL.type_MasterPhotoElement.Element = type_PhotoElement
emxAWL.type_MasterSymbolElement.Element = type_SymbolElement
emxAWL.type_GraphicElement.Document = type_Graphic
emxAWL.type_PhotoElement.Document = type_Photo
emxAWL.type_SymbolElement.Document = type_Symbol
emxAWL.GraphicElement.SupportedTypes = type_ImageElement,type_MasterPhotoElement,type_MasterSymbolElement
emxAWL.ImageDocument.Policies = policy_ArtworkGraphic
Entries for Defining New Copy Element Type or Adding Copy Element
You can define a new copy element type.
emxAWL.<Actual_Name_of_Master_Copy_ByReplaceingSpaceWith"_"> =<Actual Name of the Local Copy>
This entry maps the master copy element type to the local copy element.
emxAWL.TypeMapping.<SymbolicNameOf TheLocalCopy> = <CopyType in IPC XML>
This entry updates the copy element type in IPC XML.
For example,
emxAWL.Trademark_Master_Copy=Trademark Copy
emxAWL.TypeMapping.type_TrademarkCopy = Trademark
Entries for Configuring Product Hierarchy for Product Line Sub Types
You can change the product line types shown when you create a product line or when you search to add a product line as a sub product line. You can modify the default product line hierarchy by modifying the following property file entry.
Entry for Configuring Default Product Line Types
Entry for Configuring Sub Product Lines for any Product Line
emxAWL.ProductLineType.<Type Name without Space>=<Symbolic Names of all sub types separated by commas>
For example,
Entry for Setting Default Language for Local Copy Element
You can set the default language for local copy element. You can create languages and specify the default system language for base copy authoring. The value of this entry must match (case sensitive) any of the languages defined in the system.
emxAWL.Preferences.Language.Default = English
Entries for Defining Graphic Element
You can define types for master element, local element, and corresponding document object to add new graphic element type support. After defining the schema elements, update the following properties.
emxAWL.<MasterElement'sSymbolicName>.Element = <LocalElement'sSymbolicName>
This entry maps the master element with the local element.
emxAWL.<LocalElement'sSymbolicName>.Document = <Document's SymbolicName>
This entry maps the local element with the document.
emxAWL.GraphicElement.SupportedTypes = <Symbolic Names of all the List of Master Graphic Elements to be supported in AWL separated by commas>
This entry defines the list of supported graphic types.
emxAWL.ImageDocument.Policies = <Artwork Graphic Policy to be used while creating>
This entry defines the list of supported graphic policies.
For example,
emxAWL.type_MasterPhotoElement.Element = type_PhotoElement
emxAWL.type_PhotoElement.Document = type_Photo
emxAWL.GraphicElement.SupportedTypes = type_ImageElement,type_MasterPhotoElement,type_MasterSymbolElement
emxAWL.ImageDocument.Policies = policy_ArtworkGraphic
Entry for Setting Supplier Job Package Report
You can define the table for saving the supplier job package CSV report.
emxAWL.SupplierJobPackage.ExportTableName = AWLTable_SupplierJobPackage
Entries for Configuring Locale Sequence for Exporting POA XML Files
You can define the locale sequence values for graphic elements, inline translate elements, and nontranslatable elements.
emxAWL.POAExport.Inline.LocaleSequence = 999
emxAWL.POAExport.Graphic.LocaleSequence = 888
emxAWL.POAExport.NoTranslate.LocaleSequence = 888