Tasks Page of Local Copy Author

The details of the local copy authoring tasks appear on the PowerView page of local copy author.

Required access role: Owner

Important: Ensure that an authoring task is created and assigned to local copy author.

To access this page, in the top bar, select > Tasks.

Note: You can also access this page as follows:
  1. From the Compass, click Copy and Artwork Management.
  2. In the top bar, select > Copy and Artwork > Tasks.

This topic describes:

This page discusses:


Column Name Description
Name The task name. To get more information about a task, click its Name. If you listed Tasks to be Accepted and want to accept a task, click the Name of the task.
Status of the task.
  • : Indicates that the task is within the due date.
  • : Indicates that the task has passed the due date.
  • : Indicates that the task is nearing the due date.
  • : Indicates that the task is yet to start.
Title Title of the task.
Note: The title of task includes:
  • Route template name, if a route template is assigned to the artwork element.
  • Artwork element type, if a person is assigned to the artwork element.
Type Type of modification
State The current state for this task, for example, Assigned or Complete.
Instructions Instructions for authoring the task.
Due Date The date by which you must complete the task. If a task is overdue, its Status is Red or Yellow, as described in the Status field above.
Context The related object for this task. For inbox tasks, this is the connected Route object. To get more information about the context object, click its name.
Artwork element to be authored in the task.
Workspace Shows the workspace folder connected to the task.
Click to view the Properties page for the task in a separate window.
Task Type Type of task.


Filter Option Description
All Tasks List all the tasks associated with the logged in user.
Active List all the active tasks.
Complete List all the completed tasks.
Tasks to be Accepted List all the tasks that you can accept.
Approval Tasks List all the approval tasks.


Action Description
Complete Marks the selected inbox tasks as complete, click OK to confirm.
Reject Rejects selected inbox tasks, click OK to confirm. You cannot reject WBS tasks. If you try to reject WBS tasks, an error message displays.
Mass Approval Approves multiple tasks.
Reassign Reassign the task to another master copy author.

If you reassign the task, the assignee is changed and the task is removed from the tasks in the Assigned Tasks tab. You cannot author and submit the task.