Summary View of a POA Inbox Task

This page shows the summary of a POA design task assigned to a graphic designer.

Required access roles:

  • Baseline: Author
  • App-specific: Graphic Designer

To access this page:

  1. View the Assigned Tasks tab of a POA design task. For more information, see List View of the POA Inbox Tasks.
  2. Click the Title of a design task.

This topic describes:

This page discusses:


Property Description
Owner Owner of the design task.
Originated Date on which the design task was created.
Due Date Due date of the design task.
Allow Delegation Indicates whether the task can be delegated.
Assignee Current assignee of the design task.
Routes Route with which the task is associated.
Action Action to be performed for the design task.
Approval Status Approval status of the design task.
State State of the design task.
Task Requirement Requirements for the design task.
Instructions Instructions for the design task.
Comments Comments defined for the design task when completing the task.
Route Owner Review Indicates whether the design task on completion is assigned to the route owner for review or not.
Content Shows the following information.
  • Name: Name of the POA.
  • Description: Description of the POA.
  • State Condition: Current lifecycle state of the POA.
  • Actions: Actions that can be performed on the POA.

Page Toolbar

Action Command Description For More Information
Update Assignee Update assignee of the POA design task.
Edit Details Edit the details of the POA design task. Promoting a POA Inbox Task
Complete Complete the POA task. Promoting a POA Inbox Task