Setting Preferences

You can customize general product preferences that act on the application as a whole. You can also configure the preferences specific to the Copy and Artwork Management.

This task shows you how to:

Set General Preferences

You can configure general product settings such as conversions, default languages, home page, time/date format, language, and format for exporting the table data.

For more information, see 3DEXPERIENCE Basics. In addition, you can define the default option for design responsibility. The Copy and Artwork Management settings include default language for the master copy, artwork element display, and tree name display.

  1. In the top bar, select > Preferences.
    The Preferences page appears.
  2. On the left side of the page, select Copy and Artwork > Default Language for Master Copy Create.
    The Language option appears in the Preferences page.
  3. From the Language list, select the local language.

    Note: The local languages created by the organization manager are listed in the Language list. For more information about creating a local language, see Collaboration and Approvals User's Guide: Geography Configuration.

  4. On the left side of the page, select Copy and Artwork > Artwork Element Display.
    By default, Display Name is selected as Artwork Element Display name. You can select Object Name.
  5. On the left side of the page, select Copy and Artwork > Tree Name Display.
    You can select Tree Name Display from the following options:
    • Display Name: Selected by default.
    • Object Name
    • Full Name
    • Display Name and Revision
    • Type, Display Name and Revision
  6. On the left side of the page, select Copy and Artwork > Artwork Package View.
    • For Elements Default View, select either Show All or Show Mine.
    • From Default Language-Local Elements View list, select a language
  7. On the left pane, select Display Document Lock Status. Select Yes in the Display Lock Status of Document list to display the lock status and name of user who locked the object for artwork files and artwork templates.
  8. Click Done.

The default language is defined for master copy elements.

Set Artwork and Product Line Preferences

You can configure the language in which the copy element is created, the artwork usage range, and the sub product line types that can be created under a product line.

Required access roles: Administrator

  1. Open the Copy and Artwork Management app or the Copy and Artwork Composition app.
  2. In the navigation pane, click Copy & Artwork Global Preferences.
    The Properties page appears.
  3. Perform the following actions to change the language to be used to create a base copy element.
    1. In the page toolbar, click Update Master Copy (Base) Language.
    2. Select a language and click Done.
  4. Perform the following actions to define or modify the artwork usage values.
    1. In the page toolbar, click Update Artwork Usage Range values.
    2. Browse and select the artwork usage values XML file, and click Done.
    The artwork usage range XML file must be in the following format.

    	<ArtworkUsage>Packaging - Primary</ArtworkUsage>
    	<ArtworkUsage>Packaging - Primary, Back</ArtworkUsage>
    	<ArtworkUsage>Packaging - Primary, Front</ArtworkUsage>
    	<ArtworkUsage>Packaging - Secondary</ArtworkUsage>
    	<ArtworkUsage>Packaging - Tertiary</ArtworkUsage>

  5. Perform the following actions to define or modify the sub product line types that are allowed under a product line.
    1. In the page toolbar, click Update Sub Product Line Configuration.
    2. Browse and select the sub product line XML file, and click Done.
    The sub product line XML file must be in the following format.

        <productline type="type_BrandProductLine">
            <subproductline type="type_Subbrand" />
            <subproductline type="type_CommercialVariant" />
            <subproductline type="type_Segment" />
        <productline type="type_Subbrand">
            <subproductline type="type_Subbrand" />
            <subproductline type="type_CommercialVariant" />
            <subproductline type="type_Segment" />
        <productline type="type_CommercialVariant">
            <subproductline type="type_CommercialVariant" />
            <subproductline type="type_Segment" />
        <productline type="type_Segment">
            <subproductline type="type_Segment" />
            <subproductline type="type_CommercialVariant" />

  6. Perform the following actions to define or modify the nutrition fact types that are allowed under a structured copy element.
    1. In the page toolbar, click Update Nutrition Facts Configuration.
    2. Browse and select the nutrition facts configuration XML file, and click Done.
    The nutrition facts configuration XML file must be in the following format.

    	<StructuredElement type="type_VitaminCodeMasterCopy">
    		<Element attr_range="Calories" GS1Key="ENER-_NUTRIENT_VALUE">
    			<label locale="en_US" value="Calories" />
    		<Element attr_range="CaloriesFromFat" GS1Key="ENERPF_NUTRIENT_VALUE">
    			<label locale="en_US" value="Calories From Fat" />
    		<Element attr_range="TotalFatPDV" GS1Key="FAT_NUTRIENT_PDV">
    			<label locale="en_US" value="Total Fat PDV" />
    		<Element attr_range="TotalFatWeight" GS1Key="FAT_NUTRIENT_VALUE">
    			<label locale="en_US" value="Total Fat Weight" />
    		<Element attr_range="SaturatedFatPDV" GS1Key="FASAT_NUTRIENT_PDV">
    			<label locale="en_US" value="Saturated Fat PDV" />
    		<Element attr_range="SaturatedFatWeight" GS1Key="FASAT_NUTRIENT_VALUE">
    			<label locale="en_US" value="Saturated Fat Weight" />
    		<Element attr_range="TransFatPDV" GS1Key="FATRN_NUTRIENT_PDV">
    			<label locale="en_US" value="Trans Fat PDV" />
    		<Element attr_range="TransFatWeight" GS1Key="FATRN_NUTRIENT_VALUE">
    			<label locale="en_US" value="Trans Fat Weight" />
    		<Element attr_range="TotalCarbohydratePDV" GS1Key="CHO-_NUTRIENT_PDV">
    			<label locale="en_US" value="Total Carbohydrate PDV" />
    		<Element attr_range="TotalCarbohydrateWeight" GS1Key="CHO-_NUTRIENT_VALUE">
    			<label locale="en_US" value="Total Carbohydrate Weight" />