Approving a Master Copy Content

You can review the copy text of a master copy and approve or reject them by selecting the required option. You can also manage the due dates for the tasks assigned to you.

Required access roles:

  • Baseline: Leader
  • App-specific: Master Copy Approver

Before you begin: Ensure that you are on the Artwork Element page of a master copy approval task. For more information, see Artwork Element Page of a Master Copy Approval Task.
  1. Click i for the task to view and edit the task details.
    The Summary View page appears.
  2. In the page toolbar, click Edit Details.
    The Edit Task Details page appears.
  3. Enter these details.

    Field Description
    Due Date Click to select an appropriate due date and select an appropriate due time from the list.
    Comments Type the comments.

  4. Click Done.
    The due date and comments are saved, and the Edit Task Details page is closed.
  5. Optional: In the page toolbar, click Update Assignee to change the assignee.

    Note: If you change the assignee, you cannot approve and submit the corresponding task. If a route template is assigned to the master copy, you can update an assignee only if the route template was created with the Allow Delegation check box selected.

    The Approval for Master Copy Type page appears.
  6. Optional: Enter these details.

    Field Description
    Due Date Click to select an appropriate due date and select an appropriate due time from the list.
    Update Assignee Select the type of the new assignee.
    New Assignee Click and select a different master copy approver.
    Reassignment Comments Type the reassignment comments.

  7. Optional: Click Done.
    The assignee is changed, the task is removed from the tasks in the Assigned Tasks tab, and the Approval for Master Copy Type page is closed.
  8. Close the Summary View page.
    This updates the Artwork Package page for the master copy content approval.
  9. Select the Copy Type Element check box of a master copy element.
  10. In the tab toolbar, click Approve or Reject, to approve or reject the artwork element.

If the FDA compliance is activated, enter your credentials and comments before performing the following steps.

Note: Enter the credentials of a master copy approver. A notification email is sent to the route owner whenever you submit the approval task.
  • If you approve the task:
    • The inbox task is approved and completed.
    • A notification email for local copy content authoring is sent to the local copy author.
  • If you reject the task:
    • The inbox task is rejected.
    • An inbox task is created for the master copy author.
    • All previous routes and inbox tasks are removed.
    • A notification email for master copy content authoring is sent to the master copy author.