Adding an Artwork File

You can add an artwork file to a POA associated with a POA designing task assigned to the Graphic Designer. If an artwork file is added to a POA, you can promote the POA to the Review state.

Required access roles:

  • Baseline: Author, Leader
  • App-specific: Product Manager, Artwork Project Manager, Graphic Designer

Before you begin: View the PowerView page of a POA designing task. For more information, see PowerView Page of POA Inbox Task.
  1. In the column of the Assigned Tasks tab, click name of the required POA .
    The POA PowerView page appears.
  2. Select the Files tab.
    The options in the Files tab appear. For more information, see Files Associated with a POA.
  3. In the Actions column, click .
    The Checkin File page appears.
  4. Click Browse to select the required artwork file and click Done.
    The POA PowerView page appears.
    Tip: You can select more than one artwork file.

An artwork file is added to the selected POA.