
This page lists the artwork elements that are present in the POA and lets you synchronize the content from the GS1 response file. It shows the comparison between the content of the artwork element from the artwork assembly of the POA and the GS1 response file. This page also shows the comparison for artwork elements with inline translation content.

Rich text formatting such as bold, italic, underline, subscript, superscript, and strikethrough in the content are displayed in this page.

To access this page:

  1. Open a POA. For more information, see Opening a POA.
  2. Click the Compare tab.

This topic describes:

This page discusses:


Column Name Description
SN# The sequence number of the artwork element in the POA. Click the column name to sort the artwork elements. The artwork elements are sorted by sequence number, type, and instance sequence values.
Type The type of the artwork element or the graphic element. You can expand the structured copy element master to view the associated copy elements.
Name The name of the element.
Instance Sequence The instance sequence of the artwork element.
Language The language associated with the locale sequence for the artwork element.

The language is not shown for structured copy element masters. However, the language is shown for copy elements associated to the structured copy element master.

Artwork Element Content Shows the content of the artwork or graphic element. If the content is not present in the POA, this column is empty. If the artwork element contains rich text content, it is shown in this column.
Artwork File Content Shows two parts.
  1. The content of the copy element from the GS1 response file.
  2. If the content from the assembly does not match the content from the GS1 response file, the comparison between the content from the assembly and the GS1 response file is shown. New, deleted, and mismatch content are highlighted in red color.

    You can hover over any text to view a tooltip that shows the information about the matching, missing, style mismatching, or the new content. If the content from the assembly and the content from the GS1 response file have differences in rich text formatting, they are shown as style mismatches.

For graphic elements, does not show the image.

Status Shows if the content from the assembly does not match with the content from the GS1 response file by plain text or rich text comparison.
State The lifecycle state of the element.
Required Shows Yes if the element is flagged as required.
LC Rev Revision of the local copy element associated with the POA.
New LC Rev Available Shows if a newer revision of the local copy is available. Point to to view the revision number of the new revision.
MC Rev Revision of the master copy element associated with the POA.
New MC Rev Available Shows if a newer revision of the master copy is available. Point to to view the revision number of the new revision.


Action Description For More Information
Sync Element With Assembly Synchronizes the element from the GS1 response file with the element in the artwork assembly of the POA that is in the Draft state.

You can synchronize only the elements that are present in both the artwork assembly and the GS1 response file, and if the content of the artwork element is different from the GS1 response file by plain text or rich text comparison.

When you synchronize, the modified contents of the artwork from the GS1 response file replaces the contents of the artwork in the assembly.

For master copy elements:

  • If a new revision exists, a message appears and the content is not synchronized.
  • If a new revision is not available, the master copy element is revised, copies of the local copy elements associated with the master copy element are created and associated with the new revision, and the new structure is associated to the POA.

For local copy elements:

  • If the local copy element is in the Preliminary state, the content is replaced.
  • If the local copy element is in the Release state and a new revision exists, a message appears and the content is not synchronized.
  • If a new revision does not exist, the local copy element is revised and the content is updated.

To synchronize a structured copy element, select the structured copy element master and click Sync Element With Assembly.

Add Element To Assembly Adds the element from the GS1 response file to the artwork assembly of the POA, if the element from the GS1 response file is not present in the artwork assembly of the POA, or if the element is present in the artwork assembly of the POA but the content is different by plain text or rich text comparison. Adding Artwork Elements to the Artwork Assembly
Remove Element from Assembly Removes the selected element from the artwork assembly of the POA.

To remove a structured copy element, select the structured copy element master and click Remove Element from Assembly.



From the page toolbar, click View and select a filter.

Filter Description
All Shows all the structured copy elements.
New Element(s) Shows the structured copy elements that are present in the GS1 response file but not in the POA.
Missing Element(s) Shows the structured copy elements that are present in the POA but not in the GS1 response file.
Modified Element(s) Shows the structured copy elements that are present in both the POA and the GS1 response file if at least one copy element associated with the structured copy element is modified.