Adding Nutrition Information to a Structured Copy Element

You can add nutrition information to a structured copy element. Based on the type of the structured copy element, you can add specific types of nutrition information to it. A copy element is created for each nutrition type you add.

See Also
Structured Element Edit
  1. From the Structured Element Edit page toolbar, click Add Element.
    The Add Nutrition Label dialog box appears.
  2. Enter the following details.
    Field NameDescription
    Nutrition LabelSelect a nutrition type label.
    Display NameType a name for the copy element.
    TranslateSelect Yes if the copy text of the nutrition type must be translated. Otherwise, select No.
    Inline TranslateSelect Yes if the copy text of the nutrition type needs inline translation. Otherwise, select No.
    Copy TextThe nutrition information text. You can modify this later, if required.
  3. Click Done.

The nutrition information is added. A copy element is added to the structured copy element for the selected nutrition type. You can add only one copy element for a nutrition type. You can update the copy text of the nutrition when it is in the Preliminary state.