About Tool Visualizations

In the tool configuration menu, you can define the following properties to analyze and visualize your data by unique value.

This page discusses:

Group By Property

You can compare your data in multiple smaller charts arranged next to each other. This arrangement is also known as a small multiple, trellis chart, lattice chart, grid chart, and panel chart.

You can define the Group By property to create one chart for each unique value of the property. The system prevents you from using properties that do not allow this type of data grouping.

Each chart uses the same x and y properties, and displays a label indicating its unique group value.

The app automatically arranges the charts up to 3 per row in the tool in the Analysis view. If there are more than 3 charts created, you can scroll to view the additional charts. Charts created from a null or empty value appear at the end of the arrangement regardless of the sort order in the tool.

Group Option Property

You can change the display of the grouped data.

For bar charts, you can define the Group Option property to change the display arrangement of the data grouped by the Group By property.

The app automatically assigns a color to each unique value of the defined property. A legend displays next to the chart and indicates the color for each value. You can click on an item in the legend to remove that set of data from the chart. Click the item in the legend again to add the data back.

Select Individual to arrange each data group in its own individual, small chart.

Select Side by side to create a single chart where the data in each group is arranged next to each other and each group is arranged next to each other.

Select Stacked to create a single chart where the data in each group is stacked together and each group is arranged next to each other.

Series Property

You can identify the unique values of a property in the same chart.

You can define the Series property to display multiple sets of data points in the same chart, where each set is a unique value of the Series property. The system prevents you from using properties that do not allow this type of data grouping.

The app automatically assigns a color to each unique value of the defined property. A legend displays next to the chart and indicates the color for each value. You can click on an item in the legend to remove that set of data from the chart. Click the item in the legend again to add the data back.