Views and Tabs

Insight for Research consists of the Table and Analysis views. The tabs that appear in these views contain your data and analysis tools.

This page discusses:

Table View

The Table view is on the left and holds the Primary Data tab. When you get data from a data set, the data loads to a table on the Primary Data tab.

If your data contains hierarchical properties, the table arranges them in multiple column headers. One hierarchy level in each column level and parent levels include child columns.

: Configure the columns of the Primary Data.

Analysis View

The Analysis view is to the right of the Table view. This view holds your Analysis tabs that contain your analysis and visualization tools.

: Add a new tab. Select the tab name to rename the tab.

: Open the tab menu. In the tab menu, click Delete to delete the tab.


For each tool you add to the Analysis view:

: Open the tool configuration page where you can edit the tool.

: Delete the tool.