Filter by Structure
Filter properties.
Under Structure in the Filters menu, click Add a
New Filter.
Do one of the following:
- Use any of the predefined substructures. You can filter the available
substructures by typing or by selecting the type of structures from the list.
- Click to open the chemistry
sketcher tool. Create or import the substructure to the tool. Click
Transfer to transfer a substructure to the tool.
If you use a tricyclic structure to filter, the filter might not return the
expected result. However, the filter is working as expected by the system. The cause
of the unexpected results is the type of bonds that are in a tricyclic structure. If
you specify the bonds as "aromatic," the filter provides the result you might
Specify if you want to include records that have at least 1 match for the selected
substructure, or if you want to exclude records with matches for the selected
Delete a Structure Filter
Under Structure in the Filters menu, find the filter you want
to delete, click  , and
select Delete.
Filter Table Data
Do one of the following:
- Click
Filter properties to open the Filters panel.
- From the column you want to filter, click
in the column header and
select Set Filter. This navigates you directly to the relevant
filter in the Filters panel.
Only columns that allow filtering appear in the Filters panel and have the
Set Filter option.
Under Properties in the Filters panel, create filter rules for
each column that you want to filter.
For text filters:
If you have more than 500 unique text strings, use the search field to narrow the
text to those you want to filter on. You can use an asterisk (*) as a wild-card element
in your search.
To add text to the filter, select the text from the left-hand list and click
> to move it to the right-hand list.
To remove text from the filter, select the text from the right-hand list and click
< to move it to the left-hand list.
To add or remove multiple text strings at the same time, use Select All
Results or select all of the text you want to move. Move the selection to
the right-hand list to add it to the filter or the left-hand list to remove it.
The table automatically updates to apply the filter. Filtered columns display
a  in their column
header in the table and in the filter property header in the Filters panel.
Delete Property Filters
Under Properties in the Filters panel, you can do the
- To delete individual property filters, navigate to the column filter and click
- To clear all of the defined property filters, navigate to the bottom of the
Properties list and click Clear All.