Adding a Strip Footing

Strip Footing lets you add one or more strip footings to your project.

  1. To change the default characteristics for strip footing, in the Strip Footing dialog box, complete the following:
    1. Width, specify the required width for the strip footing.
    2. Depth, specify the required thickness for the strip footing.
  2. To position the strip footing on a grid, click Position on Grid .
  3. To position the strip footing on a wire, click Position on Wires and select a start point and an end point in the Point 1 and Point 2 boxes respectively.
  4. Specify the extension values in the End 1 Extension and End 2 Extension boxes for both the ends of the footing.
  5. If you position the footing on a grid, expand Grid Segement Display and in the Grids to Display box, specify the grids that display the grid segments and grid points.
  6. Click OK.