To create a catalog beam from one of the standard steel shape catalogs, perform the
following steps:
In the Catalog Beam User Pattern dialog box, to select source,
click Catalog
From the Standard list, select the required catalog.
From the Shape list, select a beam shape.
From the Size list, select the beam size.
To create a catalog beam using a cross section defined by an object type, perform the
following steps:
In the Catalog Beam User Pattern dialog box, to select source,
click Object Type
and select an object type
from the list of imported object types.
- Import an object type before creating the member. You can import an existing
object type or create a new object type. For more information, see Building and Civil Assemblies User's Guide: Defining Object Type.
- To undefine the object type, you can click
to display the
graphic help of the object type.
In the Size list, select the required size for the beam.
The out of the box object types are found at Startup\Structure\ObjectTypes.
To install additional content, select Install Optional Content
The SDD_DSA_Object_Type.3dxml file (for the DSA collection corresponding to the AISC
standard) makes all the shapes available with a single import. The best practice is to
import the 3dxml files with the option As Reference.
In the Position box, select a geometrical set or an ordered
geometrical set.
In the Direction box, select a line, plane, or an axis system to
specify the direction of the structural member.
To create a catalog beam user pattern in a new geometrical set, select the
Create in a new geometrical set check box.
To change the zero angle orientation for the beam, in the Catalog Beam User
Pattern dialog box, click either:
- Snap Rotation Counterclockwise
- Snap Rotation Clockwise
Align the beam
along the U axis and the V axis.
Expand Options and specify the corresponding values.
In the End trim 1 box, specify the trim value.
In theEnd trim 2 box, specify the trim value.
To offset the beam offset along the U axis, specify the Horizontal
To offset the beam vertically, specify the Vertical offset.
In the Rotation box, specify the angle value for the beam in
counterclockwise rotation about its length.
Click Ok