Creating a Clip Angle

Clip Angle lets you create a clip angle to connect a catalog beam to a catalog column, or a catalog beam to another catalog beam, or a steel detailing plate to a member.

  1. Select a face of the host member, and then select a face of the second member or plate.

    The intersection of these faces defines a curve along which the clip angle is positioned.

  2. In the Clip Angle dialog box, select the shape of the clip angle.
  3. Align the clip angle.
    Left Positions the clip angle with its left edge at the left end of a line created by the intersection of the selected faces.
    Right Positions the clip angle with its right edge at the right end of a line created by the intersection of the selected faces.
    Center Positions the clip angle centered on a line created by the intersection of the selected faces.
  4. Click Clip Angle Options and specify the offsets in the Offset from face U and Offset ffrom face V boxes.

    Note: You can click to reset the offset values to zero.

  5. Click Ok .