Creating Grid Outputs

Grid Output lets you create grid output features of grid segment geometry that can be used as inputs for creating features such as planes, surfaces, and engineering templates.

Before you begin: Create a building grid or a reference plane grid.
  1. In Grids to display, add or remove structural grids that contribute grid segments in the 3D area.
  2. In the Grid Output dialog box, from Create Mode, click one of the following:
    Single Creates grid output features only for the selected segments.
    Along gridline

    Creates grid output features for all the horizontal or vertical grid segments along the gridline of the selected segment.
    All in story Creates grid output features for all the horizontal or vertical segments in the same story as the selected segments.
    Above and below Creates grid output features for all horizontal or vertical segments above and below the selected segments.
    Diagrid Creates grid output features for an ascending diagonal pattern of beams from a pair of two points.
    All on side Creates grid output features for all horizontal or vertical segments on the same side of the building as the selected segment.
    All interior Creates grid output features for all horizontal or vertical segments in the interior of the building.
    All in building Creates grid output features for all the segments in the structural grid.
  3. Expand Grid Segement Display and in the Grids to Display box, specify the grids from which the grid segments can be extracted.
  4. Select the Show grid segments check box.
    • Select the Show curved grid segments check box to display curved grid segments from curved grid lines.
    • Select the Show perimeter segments check box to display grid segments and points along the perimeter of the grid.
    • Select the Show interior segments check box to display grid segments and points within the perimeter of the grid.
  5. Select the Show points check box and perform the following steps.
    • In the Show stories above box, specify the number of stories of grid segments above the active story to display.
    • In the Show stories below box, specify the number of stories of grid segments below the active story to display.
  6. Click OK.