Adding a Pile Arrangement

Pile Arrangement lets you add a pile arrangement to your project.

  1. In the Pile Arrangement dialog box, from the Configuration list, select a required pile arrangement configuration.
  2. To position the pile arrangement on a grid, click Position on Grid .
  3. To position the pile arrangement on a wire, click Position on Wire and select one or more points.
  4. From the Pile Arrangement dialog box, from Create Mode, click one of the following:
    Single Inserts a pile arrangement on the selected segment.
    Along gridline

    Inserts pile arrangements along the gridline of the selected segments.
    All in level Inserts pile arrangements at the bottom of all internal column locations in the structural grid.
  5. To create a pile arrangement in a new geometrical set, select the Create in a new geometrical set check box.
  6. To change the grid segment that defines the zero angle orientation for the pile arrangement, in the Pile Arrangement dialog box, click either of the following:
    • Snap Rotation
    • Snap Rotation
  7. In the Rotation box, specify the required rotation angle to rotate the pile arrangement counterclockwise about its vertical axis.
  8. Expand Pile Cap and perform the following steps:
    1. In the Pile Spacing box, specify the spacing between the centers of the default size piles.
    2. In the Edge Spacing box, specify the distance between the default size pile center and the edge of the pile cap.
    3. In the Cap Depth box, specify the vertical depth of the pile cap.
  9. Expand Piles and perform the following steps:
    1. From the Pile Shape, select a shape for the pile.

      You can select Round or Square .

    2. For a circular pile, in the Pile Diameter box, specify a value for the default diameter of each pile. For a square shaped pile, in the Pile Width box, specify the default width of each pile.
    3. In the Pile Length box, specify a value for the default length of each pile.
    4. In the Embedment box, specify the dimension each pile extends into the pile cap.

    Changing the shape or dimension of the piles removes any shape or dimension that is applied to individual piles.

  10. To change the pile arrangement default characteristics, expand Options.

    If you position the pile arrangement on a wire, perform the following steps:

    1. U Offset, specify the required offset for the X coordinate.
    2. V Offset, specify the required offset for the Y coordinate.
    3. Vertical Offset, specify the required offset value for the Z coordinate.

    If you position the pile arrangement on a grid, perform the following steps:

    1. U Offset, specify the required offset to translate the pile arrangement in the U direction.
    2. V Offset, specify the required offset to translate the pile arrangement in the V direction.
    3. Vertical Offset, specify the required offset value to translate the footing in the vertical direction.
  11. If you position the pile arrangement on a grid, expand Grid Segement Display and in the Grids to Display box, specify the grids that display the segments and grid points.
  12. Click OK.